This page contains links to videos, resources and other information that helps explain and support Human Union. Please feel free to browse the material here. The material here is also available to be used by Human Supporters to promote Human Union. Over time we will add more materials here. Please feel free to suggest or offer other materials which may be of interest. 


Video One: Introducing the idea of Human Union:

If you would prefer to watch this video on YouTube itself  the url is

Video Two: The EU and the Nobel Prize


If you would prefer to watch this video on YouTube itself  the url is

Human Union Posters
The posters attached below are free to download. If you would like to do something to support the Human Union Project why not download a poster, print it out, and put it up in likely (so long as its legal) places, such as around your home, school, library, university, workplace, etc. You may also wish to design some better posters and post them yourself. Please send a copy of the poster to us if you do though!  
HUP Poster One.pdf HUP Poster One.pdf
Size : 39.211 Kb
Type : pdf
HUP Poster Two.pdf HUP Poster Two.pdf
Size : 45.014 Kb
Type : pdf

 Articles/Books/other media

Articles online which discuss Human Union:

Australian border policy; tribal or human 

Human Union in Australian election

Books which discuss Human Union:

Humanity or Sovereignty by Lyndon Storey; see Google Books preview here

Other media

Youtube video for Gala's single I am the World  (A song about human unity)